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Home > Auction >  Oakridge Auction Gallery  >  中國古代玉器、瓷器及藝術品專場(二) >  Lot.296 清道光 青花折枝花卉蒜頭瓶A Chinese blue and white garlic-m...

LOT 296 清道光 青花折枝花卉蒜頭瓶A Chinese blue and white garlic-m...

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Oakridge Auction Gallery

Oakridge Auction Gallery ——— 中國古代玉器、瓷器及藝術品專場(二)

Oakridge Auction Gallery




Translation provided by Youdao


Dia: 14.29, H: 28.58 cm.


拍品介绍:Floral sprays to central body with bands of ruyi and fretwork to upper body. Lower neck and lower body both featuring a band of stylized petals. With six-character Daoguang mark and previous Christie's auction tag to underside.
SIZE:Dia: 5 5/8, H: 11 1/4 in.
尺寸:Dia: 14.29, H: 28.58 cm.
Provenance:Private collection, Maryland.
Condition:One crack with repair and overpainting to garlic-mouth.


英文长介绍:This elegant vase has a garlic-shaped mouth, soft curvature, and finished with smooth and lustrous glazing. The vase body is adorned with varied blue and white patterns such as hui, tangled flowers and ruyi clouds. Vivid illustrations of six auspicious floral blooms and fruits such as pomegranate, shou peach, peonies, chrysanthemum, and persimmon, each with a lingzhi tail, adorn the body. The branches and leaves are gracefully curled, and the flowers and fruits appear ripe. The ring foot is decorated with concentric patterns of lotus petals and oceanic waves, complementing the repeating floral patterns featured above. On the underside of the vase is a Daoguang blue and white six-character seal mark. Although Emperor Daoguang was known for his frugality, he spared no expense on palace porcelain wares. The most exquisite of those examples bare a Daoguang seal mark, signifying its status as an exclusive artifact to the emperor with top-tier quality. This blue and white garlic-head vase was one of those and shares many similarities to an exquisite vase in the collection of the Palace Museum.
英文参阅:The Palace Museum, No. 00108058, figure 1; China Guardian, Spring 2011, lot 3407; Christie's, Hong Kong, 2017, lot 3220.
中文长介绍:本器蒜頭形口,長頸微束,溜肩鼓腹,高圈足略外撇。造型挺拔俊美,胎質細膩堅實,釉面平整溫潤。通體以青花描繪,口肩分飾回紋、纏枝花卉、蓮瓣及如意雲頭等五條紋飾帶。腹部主體以四時各式瑞果花卉為主題紋飾,繪製石榴、壽桃、牡丹、菊花、柿子等六枚折枝花果,分列兩層布排,寓意多子富貴,連年福壽。花果根部均以靈芝點綴,天賜祥瑞。枝葉舒卷優美,花果飽滿圓潤。圈足則以蓮瓣及海水江牙為邊飾,呼應頸肩花紋。底部書 「大清道光年製」青花六字篆書款。此件青花蒜頭瓶造型端莊秀美,青花發色典雅鮮艷,是道光瓷器承襲乾嘉時期瓷器的經典之作,與故宮博物院館藏「乾隆款青花三果花卉紋蒜頭口瓶」(編號-新00108058)極為相似。
中文参阅:故宮博物院館藏,編號新00108058, 見圖1;中國嘉德拍賣2011年春拍,編號3407;佳士得2017年香港拍賣,編號3220



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