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Beijing Art Fox Live online network technology co., ltd. was officially established on February 9, 2015, base Beijing. As of July 2020, there are 2,602 global auction institutions cooperating with yihu online, with a registered membership of 1,000,000 people, attracting users from 65 countries and regions, including collectors, antique dealers, professionals of cultural institutions, architects, bankers, financial practitioners and collectors.
Art Fox Live with global online auction company, antique dealers, galleries and art, jewelry, fine wine merchants to cooperate, through broadcast live online auctions, the online auction and entrusted bid three bidding model to help with any purchase of non-standard commodity demand buyers implement transnational, cross-regional multi-channel online trading, the user through a computer or a mobile phone anytime and anywhere can participate in the world any corner of the auction, to experience exciting bidding process.
Live simultaneous auction
The online real-time auction system of ifox realizes the real-time communication with the global network through the self-developed network technology, and utilizes the network channel to enable the buyer to interact with the international auction house in real time and achieve the immersive auction experience.
Delayed online auction
By studying the art market online, yihu has independently developed and created a purely network time-limited auction system. The online limited-time auction system of yihu further brings the auctioneers and ordinary artworks closer to the buyers and attracts a large number of domestic and international art dealers to enter the online delayed auction of yihu.
Trust auction
The international language barrier, time barrier, time difference barrier, special restriction of auction house and situation procedure barrier have become the walls that users can hardly cross to participate in the international and domestic cross-regional participation, and the preferred products fall into his hands, which makes users feel regretful. Yihu has established a complete customer service team online to break through language and time difference barrier and create a set of written commissions. Phone delegation. The site participation commission and other effective commission bidding system. Language, time and region will no longer be a barrier for user participation.
Artfox global auction is developed based on the Internet and mobile terminal is comprehensive online auction platform, to provide "online real-time auction" and "the online real-time auction" two core technical support, provides the auction enterprises and the vast majority of collectors a revolutionary new way of auction, to change China's artwork auction industry more than 20 years of the same old way. Yihu global auction platform has become the most rapidly developing and professional global art online auction platform, providing better services for multiple auction institutions and buyers' members at home and abroad.





