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LOT 6 The San Bo Gui, Western Zhou dynasty, early 9th century BC |...

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POWER / CONQUEST: The Forging of Empires





Translation provided by Youdao



The San Bo GuiWestern Zhou dynasty, early 9th century BC西周 公元前九世紀初 散伯簋cast to the interior of the vessel and cover with a twelve-character inscription reading San Bo zuo Ze Ji bao gui qi wan nian yong yong (2)銘文:散伯作夨姬寶簋 其萬年永用Width 12⅞ in., 32.7 cm来源: DescriptionThe San Bo GuiWestern Zhou dynasty, early 9th century BC西周 公元前九世紀初 散伯簋cast to the interior of the vessel and cover with a twelve-character inscription reading San Bo zuo Ze Ji bao gui qi wan nian yong yong (2)銘文:散伯作夨姬寶簋 其萬年永用Width 12⅞ in., 32.7 cmCondition reportBecause this lot was imported into the United States after September 1, 2020, it is subject to an import tariff of 7.5% of the value declared upon entry into the United States. $37,500, plus applicable sales tax will be included on your invoice unless you instruct Sotheby's to arrange shipping of the lot to a foreign address. For more information on the import tariff, please review the Symbol Key in the back of the catalogue. If you have any questions, please由於本拍品在 2020年9月1日之後進口到美國,所以買家可能需就本拍品支付進口關稅,金額為拍品進口美國當時申報價值的7.5%。除非您要求蘇富比安排運送拍品到美國境外之地址,否則發票上將包括37,500美元以及相關的銷售稅。如欲查詢進口關稅的更多信息,請查閱目錄背面的附錄。 如有任何疑問,敬請聯繫。For more information on and additional videos for this lot, please contact discoveredin Fengxiang, Shaanxi Province, during the mid-Guangxu period. Collection ofagovernor ofFengxiang,by 1914.Collection of Yu Shengwu (1896-1984).Collection of Count Antoine Seilern (1901-1978). Christie's London, 17th June 1982, lot 6.傳清光緒中期陝西鳳翔出土鳳翔府某太守收藏,至1914年已入藏于省吾 (1896-1984) 收藏Antoine Seilern 伯爵 (1901-1978) 收藏倫敦佳士得1982年6月17日,編號6LiteratureZou An,Zhou jinwen cun[Surviving bronze inscriptions from the Zhou dynasty], vol. 3, 1915, p. 90.1(inscription of the vessel).Hu Xiaoshi, Jinshi fanjinji dier [Sequel to the collection of various archaic bronzes], 1918, p. 6 (inscription of the vessel).Luo Zhenyu,Zhensongtang jigu yiwen[Gathering of ancient writings in the Zhensongtang],vol. 5, 1930, p. 16.3 (inscription of the vessel).Liu Chenggan, Xigulou jinshi cuibian [Catalogue of archaic bronzes from the Xigu Pavilion], vol. 3, 1933, p. 16.1 (inscription of the vessel).Luo Zhenyu,Zhensongtang jigu yiwen xubian[Sequel to the gathering of ancient writings in theZhensongtang], vol. 1, 1934, p. 38 (inscription of the cover).Liu Tizhi,Xiaojiao Jingge jinwen taben[Rubbings of bronze inscriptions in the Xiaojiao Jingge], vol. 7, 1935, p. 80.8 (inscription of the cover), p. 81.1 (inscription of the vessel).Luo Zhenyu,Sandai jijin wencun[Surviving bronze inscriptions from the Three Dynasties], vol. 7, Beijing, 1937, p.25 lower left (inscription of the cover).Yu Shengwu, Shuangjianyi guqiwu tulu [Catalogue of ancient objects from the Shuangjianyi], vol. 1, 1940, p. 24.Sun Zhichu, Jinwen zhulu jianmu [Records of Bronze Inscriptions], Beijing, 1981, p.128 (vessel and coverrecorded).Lu Liancheng and Yin Shengping, 'Gu Zeguo yizhi and mudi diaocha ji / Reconnaissance of the Sites and Tombs of the State of Ze,'Wenwu, no. 2, Beijing, 1982, p. 55 (vessel discussed).Yan Yiping,Jinwen zongji[Corpus of bronze inscriptions], Taipei, 1983, no. 2368 top (inscription of the cover), no. 2369 bottom (inscription of the vessel).Wu Zhenfeng,Shaanxi jinwen huibian[Corpus of bronze inscriptions from Shaanxi province], vol. 2, Xi'an, 1989,no. 149.The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ed.,Yinzhou jinwen jichengshiwen[Interpretations of the compendium of Yin and Zhou bronze inscriptions], vol. 3,Hong Kong, 2001, no. 3778.Wu Zhenfeng,Jinwen renming huibian[Compilation of the names from bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2006, p. 310 (vessel discussed).The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ed.,Yinzhou jinwen jicheng[Compendium of Yin and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2007, no. 03778.Wang Tao and Liu Yu,Liusan oumei yinzhou youming qingtongqi jilu/A Selection of Early Chinese Bronzes with Inscriptions from Sotheby's and Christie's Sales, Shanghai, 2007, pl. 104.Yang Yachang, 'Zeguo yu sanguo zuxing wenti zhi bianshuo [A discussion on the family name of the states of Ze and San],' Zhongyuan wenwu / Cultural Relics of Central China, no. 5, Zhengzhou, 2007, p. 38 (vessel discussed).Liu Yu et. al.,Shangzhou jinwen zong zhulubiao [Comprehensive list of recorded Shang and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2008, no.4142 (vessel and cover recorded).Huo Yanruand Xin Yihua,Shangzhou jinwenbian. Baoji chutu qingtong qi mingwen jicheng[List of Shang and Zhou bronze inscriptions. Compendium of important inscriptions on bronzes excavated in Baoji], Xi'an, 2009, no. 663.Yu Shengwu, Yu Shengwu zhuzuoji:Shuangjianyi guqiwu tulu [Compilation of the works by Yu Shengwu: Catalogue of ancient objects from the Shuangjianyi], Beijing, 2009, pp 53 and 54.Wu Zhenfeng,Shang Zhou qingtong qi mingwen ji tuxiang jicheng[Compendium of important inscriptions and images of bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties], vol. 9, Shanghai, 2012, no. 04653, no. 04652 right (inscription of the vessel). Chen Yingfei, 'Qinghuajian 'Liangchen' San Yisheng yu xizhou jinwen zhong de sanshi [San Yisheng recorded in 'Liangchen' from the Qinghua Bamboo Strips and the members from the San clan in the Western Zhou inscriptions]', Chutu wenxian [Excavated Documents], Shanghai, 2016, p. 81 (vessel discussed).Zhang Tianen,Shaanxi jinwen jicheng[Compendium of bronze inscriptions from Shaanxi], vol. 7, Xi'an, 2016, no. 0723.Tian Shuai, 'Yi Hou Ze Gui mingwen xiangguan shidi guozu wenti bulun / A Supplementary Discussion on the Issues Raised by the Inscription of Yi-hou-ze Vessel,'Gudai wenming / The Journal of Ancient Civilizations, vol. 13, no. 1, Changchun, January 2019, p. 42 (vessel discussed).鄒安,《周金文存》,卷3,1915年,頁90.1 (器銘)胡小石,《金石蕃錦集第二》,1918年,頁6 (器銘)羅振玉,《貞松堂集古遺文》,卷5,1930年,頁16.3 (器銘)劉承幹,《希古樓金石萃編》,卷3,1933年,頁16.1 (器銘)羅振玉,《貞松堂集古遺文續編》,卷1,1934年,頁38 (蓋銘)劉體智,《小校經閣金文拓本》,卷7,1935年,頁80.8 (蓋銘),頁81.1 (器銘)羅振玉,《三代吉金文存》,卷7,北京,1937年,頁25左下 (蓋銘)于省吾,《雙劍誃古器物圖錄》,卷上,1940年,頁24孫稚雛,《金文著錄簡目》,北京,1981年, 頁128 (器及蓋記錄)盧連成及尹盛平,〈古夨國遺址、墓地調查記〉,《文物》,期2,北京,1982年,頁55 (器論及)嚴一萍,《金文總集》,台北,1983年,編號2368上 (蓋銘),編號2369下 (器銘)吳鎮烽,《陝西金文彙編》,卷下,西安,1989年,編號149中國社會科學院考古研究所編,《殷周金文集成釋文》,卷3,香港,2001年,編號3778吳鎮烽,《金文人名彙編》,北京,2006年,頁310 (器論及)中國社會科學院考古研究所編,《殷周金文集成》,北京,2007年,編號03778汪濤及劉雨,《流散歐美殷周有銘青銅器集錄》,上海,2007年,圖版104楊亞長,〈夭國與散國族姓問題之辯說〉,《中原文物》,期5,鄭州,2007年,頁38 (器論及)劉雨等,《商周金文總著錄表》,北京,2008年,編號4142 (器及蓋記錄)霍彥儒及辛怡華,《商周金文編:寶雞出土青銅器銘文集成》,西安,2009年,編號663于省吾,《于省吾著作集:雙劍誃古器物圖錄》,北京,2009年,頁53及54吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,卷9,上海,2012年,編號04653,編號04652右 (器銘)陳穎飛,〈清華簡《良臣》散宜生與西周金文中的散氏〉,《出土文獻》,上海,2016年,頁81 (器論及)張天恩,《陝西金文集成》,卷7,西安,2016年,編號0723田率,〈宜侯夨簋銘文相關史地國族問題補論〉,《古代文明》,卷13,期1,長春,2019年1月,頁42 (器論及)ExhibitedBritish Museum, London, 1970-1980 (on loan).大英博物館,倫敦,1970至1980年 (借展)



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